Mayor Kapszukiewicz has brought strong, competent leadership to the Mayor's office. The City's budget is strong, we are adding police, creating jobs, and fixing our streets.
Let’s keep building.
Meet Wade.
As Mayor, Wade Kapszukiewicz has worked hard during difficult and sometimes troubled times to move our city forward. Toledo is moving forward. You can see it and you can feel it. From creating jobs to improving roads to taking critical steps to make our city safe, the City has made real steps forward in the past four years.

Wade is Endorsed by
AFSCME Ohio Council 8
Carpenters Local 351
Cement Masons & Plasterers Local #886
Communication Workers of America, Local 4319
Greater Northwest Ohio AFL–CIO
IBEW Local 8
Insulators Local 45
Laborers Local 500
Local 50, Plumbers, Steamfitters and Service Mechanics
Lucas County Democratic Party
Northwest Ohio Building & Construction Trades Council
Northwest Ohio Realtors
Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund
Sheet Metal Workers Local 33
Teamsters Local 20
The Blade
Toledo Federation of Teachers
Toledo Firefighters IAFF Local 92
Toledo Police Command Officers Association
Toledo Port Council
Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce
United Auto Workers, Region 2B
United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 75